You’d be surprised how many of us put diesel in a petrol engine or unleaded in a leaded tank… We’ve all been known, on occasion to be absent-minded, have a mild case of temporary memory loss or simply make a mistake. Putting the Wrong Fuelling in your car can…
Dr Fuel – Round the clock services of fuel drainage at your specific location!
When you’re off to work or have important event to attend and wind up in the midst of the bedlam of wrong fuel in car, it could look like your worst nightmare coming true. Getting in time for something exceedingly urgent could well be deferred, just adding to your anxiety…
Need instant wrong fuel recovery? Dr. Fuel is the ultimate solution
A wrong fuel issue can turnout as a night mare for anyone especially when a person has to attend a meeting, leave for sports event or get back to home after a long tiring day. People who out of urgency pour wrong fuel in their car engine get stuck in…
Dr. Fuel cares for instant recovery of misfueling from your car engine
Vehicle maintenance is not only a costly process, but it requires deliberateness and proper consideration. Every type of vehicle and machine engine has to be managed and regulated properly to avoid trivial issues and increase its life span. One of the major problems while using vechiels people often face is…
Misfueled in UK? Worry not, call Dr Fuel and get rid of the Problem
Misfueling is one the biggest issue faced by majority of machine users everywhere in world. Dealing with wrong fuel is a big deal for a layman. It is not easy to remove the wrong fuel from engine and get it recovered with a safe condition. One should be very careful…
Mr Fuel saved our trip by providing instant wrong fuel recovery service
Having a bunch of good friends is the best thing one can have in life. We are group of 6 friends connected since school days. We made number of good memories by visiting different places inside and outside UK and having regular hangouts during school and college days. Even after…